Thursday, 26 March 2009

The power of the cross for those who believe

Thanks to the girltalk blog, I've been reading 'Jesus, Keep me near the Cross' compiled by Nancy Guthrie in my devotional times. It's a collection of essays and sermons on the cross and I'm really enjoying meditating on the last few days' of Jesus' life and the resurrection.

As Easter is approaching, A friend and I responded to a request from school to help with some Easter assemblies for the children. This seemed an opportunity too good to miss - not least as American schools are so secular and opportunities to share openly what Christians believe are rare. We began by looking at a lot of modern Easter paraphernalia from eggs to bunnies and chicks and then focused on the cross and the resurrection and the new life we have as Christians. Although it was quite scary (we must have spoken to 200 children over the two assemblies), it was actually a real privilege to be able to share truth with them.

I was rather taken aback when the teacher opened it up for questions but we got some great ones from "Is the Easter Bunny real" (I think I managed to avoid answering that directly) to "How do we know Jesus is alive if we can't see him?" to " But if Jesus was innocent, why did God punish him and not those who were really guilty?" What an excellent question from a little girl who must have been around 7.

My answer was not as eloquent as this, but I loved this explanation from JC Ryle (in above-mentioned book)

"Was he flogged? It was done so that 'by his wounds we are healed' (Is 53:5). Was he condemned, though innocent? It was done so that we might be acquitted, though guilty. Did he wear a crown of thorns? It was done so that we might wear the crown of glory. Was he stripped of his clothes? It was done so that we might be clothed in everlasting righteousness. Was he mocked and reviled? It was done so that we might be honoured and blessed. Was he reckoned a criminal, and counted among those who have done wrong? It was done so that we might be reckoned innocent, and declared free from all sin. Was he declared unable to save himself? It was so that he might be able to save others to the uttermost. Did he die at last, and that the most painful and disgraceful death? It was done so that we might live forevermore, and be exalted to the highest glory"


Thursday, 5 March 2009

Parenting reality check

So, I had a mountain of washing to do on Wednesday. My 3-year old is at home every day and mostly moans constantly while I do my chores until I agree to put the TV on ... This time was different, she was helping me and really getting involved telling me, "I need to learn how to do this, Mummy because when I grow up I want to be a Mummy and I want to be a great Mummy like you!". It really was very sweet, she helped me change the sheets then sat watching the clothes whirring around in the washing machine - toploaders are so much more fun! It was one of those days when you think, "Maybe I have done something right as a parent".

But then, reality hits..... I was relating the cute story to a new friend and when I'd finished, my son piped up, "But M, if you want to be a mummy when you grow up you have to get married first then have a baby.... or you could just have a baby and not get married..." to which my friend replied, "How very open-minded of you, Ethan!"


Monday, 2 March 2009

The Chicago Newfrontiers Church Plant needs YOU!!

We are really excited to be entering into the next phase of the church plant in Chicago which is building momentum as we await the Sweetmans' arrival next month. They were in town this weekend and have found an apartment in Lincoln Park and we are all very excited and raring to go!

Chicago is an enormous city and at the moment we are a small group or less than 20 adults so we need help!!! And this is where you come in.... Please will you consider joining with us as a prayer partner???? We have a goal of 200 prayer partners and you can find more information on what this involves (not much, just praying!) on the new website Please sign up - we need your prayers!

On the website you will also find information on the summer evangelism internship programme which is running in June/July 2009. If you have 4 weeks to spare this summer, please consider coming to join us and help us reach more people across this great city. you are warned, though - you may not want to go home afterwards!!!