Wednesday, 28 April 2010

It starts....

My children are 8,6 and 4 but it's amazing how quickly they seem to grow up these days. And each new age/stage of their lives brings its own challenges.

This week it has been the challenge of 'bad language'. I've put this in speech marks because the words my eldest has used and been scolded for in the last week are not in themselves bad, but it's what they are a substitute for that I object to. So, here you go - here are the expletives in question......

  1. Shoot!
  2. What the heck!
  3. 'freakin'

I know, I know, I don't think my blog is going to be cancelled/moderated for offensive language, etc etc. Maybe I am just old-fashioned or fuddy-duddy but I just can't abide 'cuss' words and I don't want my children using them - especially when they are ultimately just softened versions of hardcore swear words and in many cases (tho not the above) blasphemy.

I do think this is in part a cultural phenomenon - I notice here in the US there are many more watered-down curse words. Don't even get me started on the Christian 'cuss' substitutes (Why, oh why do Christians need to have these to fall back on?).

This may well be one of those areas in which my children raise theirs differently - I know many people have no problem with such slang at all but I just can't get out of my heads those familiar words from Psalm 19 v 14 (ok, I admit it, via BoneyM)...

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer"

OK rant over. Sorry about that - but isn't that exactly what blogs are for?

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Just get on with it!

It may not appear to be the case, but I actually spend hours planning what to write on this blog. I realise the evidence is completely to the contrary but I have regular, erudite, conversations with myself about what to write. Some is informative, some comment, some spiritual insights I have gained, even some amusing anecdotes, but I realise I put far too much emphasis on how I will come across/what people will think to actually get around to writing it down.

So, I think I need to just start putting down any old rubbish to get myself back in the habit of writing. Much has happened since the last post and nothing much has happened since the last post. I may or may not get around to writing something about these amazingly planned thoughts and comments or not, but I will endeavour to start posting something more regularly. And of course, you can feel free to either continue to read or not....

One of the major things I have been reflecting on recently is my tendency to avoid living in and enjoying the present. I am the master of promising 'jam tomorrow', looking ahead to that point in time when 'things will be better' and equally I can tend to look back on the past with rose-tinted, greener-grass spectacles. So, I am now making a conscious effort to start counting my blessings from now on. That's not to say I won't still be looking for ways to improve areas of my life, or miss those things I've left behind, but I want to be grateful for what God has given me today and enjoy this present season as much as I possibly can.

So, as a little exercise in spontaneity rather than planned blog-content, off the top of my head, here are 10 things I am grateful for (in no particular order) today....

  1. That I have a hope that goes beyond the grave. Though life has many challenges, I rejoice that I know the one in charge and that he has a plan!
  2. My wonderful family who bless me, keep me humble and daily challenge me in more ways then I could ever imagine.
  3. Technology that keeps me closer and in touch with friends and family far away.
  4. A ticket to a friend's wedding in April that gives me a brief but cherished opportunity to catch up with loved ones and indulge myself all on my own with no children.
  5. My lovely husband who not only gave me afore-mentioned ticket, but has also taken time of work to look after the children while I am away. He is a complete superstar not just for this but for being my best friend and accomplice in this adventure.
  6. The great school that my children love going to.
  7. Ever-so-slightly less freezing temperatures. The snow boots have been switched for normal shoes at long last (no visible signs of spring just yet, however!)
  8. Tea. You can take the Brit out of the UK......
  9. Child-free mornings, finally giving me a bit of space to think my own thoughts and take the occasional break
  10. A good book to read

So there - a start!