Sunday, 29 June 2008

Blogging in the name of the Lord?

My brother-in-law, on his blog, has mentioned there is a Newfrontiers blog (which basically lists everyone related to Newfrontiers churches who has a blog). I'm not sure whether to be flattered or dismayed to be listed here (just above John Lanferman for anyone who's interested)! I fear mine may be the least spiritual of the blogs - though maybe John, Terry et al will be interested in my tales of woe at the gym or my potty training anecdotes...Hmmm! Or perhaps I should rise to the challenge and try and post little nuggets of spiritual wisdom - no promises, ok?!!!

We had a great time at Fusion this evening featuring a live, in-person visit from Bryan & Rachel Mowrey from St Louis (as opposed to the recorded sermons we usually watch). There were 20 adults there which I think is the most we've seen, including a couple of first-time visitors which is exciting. The kids were learning about Biblical Superheroes and decided to go dressed up which seemed to cause much mirth and amusement from the other members of the congregation! We spent most of the afternoon perfecting their makeshift costumes - Maria von Trapp would be proud of me!

This morning we went to the cinema as a family and saw 'Wall-E', the new Pixar offering. I was actually quite impressed that we made it through with no trips to the loo. The girls polished off the most part of an enormous (of course!) bag of popcorn which I think was what kept M's attention more than the film! The cinema is so much cheaper here, I think we will be going quite a lot as it's so pricey at home...

We have a church BBQ tomorrow night and I'm quite excited as we actually have a babysitter booked ..woop woop!! Is goes to camp at the YMCA this week so am expecting her to be exhausted, esp after such a late night after church tonight. We are all feeling pretty tired at the moment and all had a sleep this afternoon (with the exception of E who earned a dollar by being quiet!!). Don't know if it's a bug, just all the change or the heat.... The forecast is for a cooler week which suits me just fine - as long as it's fine on Friday for all the fireworks!!


Hoots said...

I want to see the picture with the whole family in their outfits! We all know the truth!

Phil Whittall said...

Hi Emma, I'm responsible for the newfrontiers bloggers blog but you have your brother-in-law to blame for being listed. He gave me your blog so I duly added it to the list! Hope your superheroes are enjoying Chicago